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Two adults signing a contract with their lawyer

When spouses in Colorado pass away within days of each other, the overlapping deaths can create a complicated situation for their family and other inheritors of their estate. The situation can add confusion and stress to an already emotionally charged time. Here’s what you can expect under these circumstances.  Issues Arising When Spouses … Continue reading

Middle aged retired couple signing a contract

Have you recently lost your spouse? If so, you should know your rights to inherit from their estate under Colorado law. Legal Rights of Surviving Spouses in Colorado Under Colorado inheritance laws, you may inherit from your spouse’s estate in the following manners. Intestate Rights Colorado intestate succession laws determine a surviving spouse’s … Continue reading

Car crash on highway

Facing DUI charges in Colorado is a serious matter. In its quest to deter motorists from operating vehicles while intoxicated, the state has established harsh penalties for convictions, including mandatory license suspension, fines, and jail time. However, you may have heard of cases where drivers had their DUI reduced to reckless driving in … Continue reading

Underaged teen drinking and driving

Colorado drivers under age 21 face serious consequences if the police catch them with a fake ID or while driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The penalties for these offenses include jail time, fines, community service, and an automatic driver’s license revocation. Furthermore, these offenses stay on a driver’s permanent record, … Continue reading

Handcuffed convict awaiting sentence

Were you wrongly charged with false imprisonment in Colorado? It is a serious charge and you should get help from our criminal defense attorneys to pursue the best potential outcome in your case. What Is False Imprisonment in Colorado? Colorado false imprisonment laws, covered under CRS 18-3-303, define false imprisonment as knowingly confining … Continue reading