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Have you been accused of child abuse or neglect in Colorado Springs? A conviction could have life-changing consequences for you and your family, so finding the right defense attorney is essential. The Colorado Springs lawyers at Peakstone Law Group, LLC, have considerable experience handling these cases. We stand ready to help you prepare a strong legal defense to protect your rights.

To learn more about your options, please contact our firm

What Is Considered Child Abuse in Colorado Springs?

Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.) § 18-6-401 sets forth violations and penalties related to child abuse in Colorado. At its most basic, child abuse occurs when someone inflicts harm upon a child under the age of 16, knowingly places a child in a potentially harmful situation, or engages in neglectful behaviors that result in malnourishment, cruel punishment, mistreatment, injury, or death of a child.

The law is expansive and vague, so numerous scenarios can result in child abuse charges. Importantly, child abuse can occur even when a child does not experience physical harm. A custodial interference case may be one example of this.

Common examples of situations and behaviors that might lead to accusations of child abuse include:

  • Injuring a child in a way that threatens their life or health, including by spanking
  • Knowingly putting a child in a situation that puts their life or health at risk
  • Physically, emotionally, psychologically, or sexually abusing a child
  • Mistreating, malnourishing, neglecting, or cruelly punishing a child
  • Failing to adequately provide for a child’s basic needs, including medical needs
  • Facilitating the infibulation, excision, or other genital mutilation of a child when no legitimate medical need for the procedure exists
  • Manufacturing certain types of controlled substances in the presence of a child or knowingly allowing the child to be present when someone else is doing so
  • Committing domestic violence or using illegal substances in a child’s presence
  • Leaving a child unattended in a home or vehicle
  • Driving a motor vehicle under the influence with a child present
  • Failing to report suspicions of child abuse

There is often a thin line between legitimate acts of child abuse and unfortunate incidents for which a child is present. Some child abuse charges arise when parents believe they are administering acceptable punishments or leave children unattended because they seem mature enough for the responsibility. Often, the only difference between bringing a criminal charge or not is the opinion of an investigating officer or prosecutor who doesn’t have all the facts.